
Ingrid Leman Stefanovic

(2014). Phenomenology, philosophy, and praxis. Environmental & Architectural Phenomenology, 25 (3), 40.

(2013). A pattern language of pedagogical place [Review of the book The language of school design, by P. Nair, R. Fielding & J. Lackney]. Environmental & Architectural Phenomenology 24 (1), 8-11.

(2013). Henri Bortoft: philosophy as lived. Environmental & Architectural Phenomenology, 24 (2), 4-5.

(2004). Speaking of place: In dialogue with Malpas. Environmental & Architectural Phenomenology, 15 (2), 6-8.

(2000). Rootedness in place and being-at-home. Environmental & Architectural Phenomenology, 11 (3), 9-13.

(2000). Safeguarding our common future: Rethinking sustainable development. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press.

(1998). H. Bortoft, The wholeness of nature [Review of the book The wholeness of nature, by H. Bortoft]. Environmental & Architectural Phenomenology 9 (1), 6-7.

(1997). D. wann, deep design [Review of the book Deep design, by D. Wann]. Environmental & Architectural Phenomenology 8 (1), 7-8.

(1995). E. casey, getting back into place [Review of the book Getting back into place, by E. Casey]. Environmental & Architectural Phenomenology 6 (2), 6-8.

(1994). J. bockemuhl, toward a phenomenology of the etheric world [Review of the book Toward a phenomenology of the etheric world, by ]. Environmental & Architectural Phenomenology 5 (2), 5-6.

(1992). Sustainability, dwelling, and wholeness. Environmental & Architectural Phenomenology, 3 (2), 14-15.