(1997) Synthese 113 (2).

Cognition is not computation

the argument from irreversibility

Selmer Bringsjord , Michael J. Zenzen

pp. 285-320

The dominant scientific and philosophical view of the mind – according to which, put starkly, cognition is computation – is refuted herein, via specification and defense of the following new argument: Computation is reversible; cognition isn't; ergo, cognition isn't computation. After presenting a sustained dialectic arising from this defense, we conclude with a brief preview of the view we would put in place of the cognition-is-computation doctrine.

Publication details

DOI: 10.1023/A:1005019131238

Full citation:

Bringsjord, S. , Zenzen, M. J. (1997). Cognition is not computation: the argument from irreversibility. Synthese 113 (2), pp. 285-320.

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