Springer, Dordrecht


275 Pages

ISBN 978-3-319-19814-9

Temporal points of view

subjective and objective aspects

Edited by

Margarita Vázquez Campos , Antonio Manuel Liz Gutiérrez

This book seeks to arrive at a better understanding of the relationships between the objective and subjective aspects of time. It discusses the existence of fluent time, a controversial concept in many areas, from philosophy to physics. Fluent time is understood as directional time with a past, a present, and a future. We experience fluent time in our lives and we adopt a temporal perspective in our ways of knowing and acting. Nevertheless, the existence of fluent time has beendebated for both philosophical and scientific reasons, thus creating a rift between the subjective and objective aspects of time. Starting from the basic notion of points of view, or perspectives, this book explores the relationships between objective or external time, as it has been conceptualized by science, and subjective or internal time, which is involved in our lived experiences.  It establishes a general framework encompassing the nature, structure and mode of existence of points of view, in which the objective and subjective aspects of time can be integrated. The book mainly addresses researchers and postgraduates in philosophy and logic. Additionally, it offers inspiration for physicists and computer scientists involved in the modeling and simulation of complex behaviors for which the representation of internal time should be considered together with the notion of objective, external time.


Publication details

Full citation:

Vázquez Campos, M. , Liz Gutiérrez, A. M. (eds) (2015). Temporal points of view: subjective and objective aspects, Springer, Dordrecht.

Table of Contents

The notion of point of view

Vázquez Campos Margarita; Liz Gutiérrez Antonio Manuel


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Subjective and objective aspects of points of view

Liz Gutiérrez Antonio Manuel; Vázquez Campos Margarita


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Temporal aspects of points of view

Liz Gutiérrez Antonio Manuel; Vázquez Campos Margarita


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Fluent time, minds, and points of view

Liz Gutiérrez Antonio Manuel


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Branching time structures and points of view

Vázquez Campos Margarita


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Grounding qualitative dimensions

Colomina Juan J.


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Kinds, laws and perspectives

Álvarez Toledo Sebastián


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Synchronic and diachronic luck

Hales Steven D.


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Presentism, non-presentism and the possibility of time travel

Colomina Juan J.; Pérez Chico David


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