L'ellipse dans la tradition rhétorique grecque

Anne-Marie Chanet

pp. 17-22

ANNE-MARIE CHANET: Ellipsis in Greek rhetorical tradition. For Aristotle, ellipsis is a gap in a line of argument: a point which is essential for the argument is missing. As a trope, it appears rather late in the rhetorical tradition: it is closer to the grammarians' ellipsis than to the logicians'. It is in fact a non-homogeneous category, as shown (better than by the definitions) by the examples and by the glosses that comment upon them. The authors do not specify the norm which serves as a basis to determine the existence of ellipsis (i.e. gap, incompleteness), but it generally seems to be grammatical theory rather than common usage.

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Full citation:

Chanet, A. (1983). L'ellipse dans la tradition rhétorique grecque. Histoire Épistémologie Langage 5 (1), pp. 17-22.

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