Nicolas Ruwet

, 2007, Linguistics and poetics, in R. Macksey & E. Donato (eds.), The structuralist controversy, Baltimore, Johns Hopkins University Press, pp. 296-318.

, 1991, 'À propos de la grammaire générative: Quelques considérations intempestives', Histoire Épistémologie Langage 13 (1), 109-132.

with Kiefer, F. (eds) , 1973, Generative grammar in Europe, Reidel, Dordrecht.

, 1972, Linguistics and poetics, in R. Macksey & E. Donato (eds.), The structuralist controversy, Baltimore, Johns Hopkins University Press, pp. 296-318.

, 1970a, Linguistics and poetics, in R. Macksey & E. Donato (eds.), The languages of criticism and the sciences of man, Baltimore, Johns Hopkins University Press, pp. 296-318.